
I need to see a therapist.
To pissed. 
To stoned.
My parents left me all alone and
It’s caused some damage.
I’m not well.
Feel like hell.
Due to the abandonment at childhood.
It’s not good.

I need to see a shrink.
Like too much of a drink I’ve been told.
But those old tales
Of people too blind to see true colours
Isn’t me.

I know I’m a lush.
A drunk.
Don’t need to admit it punk, I know what I am.
Open the wine and life starts to turn fine
By the end of the third bottle.
Take some pills and the world’s ills
Just pass me by.

I’ve got abandonment issues, yes
Pass the tissues. My life will make you cry.
Alone. Not one to speak on the phone. 
I’ve stopped answering the door anymore. 

It’s not that I don’t like the company.
They just pretend it’s to see me, but really,
They’re just after the wine.
And frankly, that’s mine.

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